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698 Expat

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Translate over 95 languages and improve your writing with powerful Language AI

698 Expat is your go-to AI translation and writing assistant for precise translations, powerful grammar fixes, and clear style enhancements. With the power of advanced Language AI, 698 Expat allows you to translate text into over 80+ languages and dialects on the go. It also offers intelligent styling for English, French, German, and Spanish to help you create clear, error-free, and impactful texts with ease. So all of your mobile communication, from emails to social media posts, shines with professionalism and confidence.

- Translate texts: translate quickly and reliably between more than 30 languages by typing.
- High quality: consistently outperforms competitors by a factor of 3:1.
- Alternative translations: explore different options for single words and short phrases.
- Dictionary: learn more about the words you translate and how to use them in different contexts (11 language pairs).
- Understand non-Latin languages better: see translations of languages such as Japanese or Russian in the Latin alphabet.
- Tone adjustment: choose formal or informal styles.

Translations between the following languages are supported: Albanian, Albania, Arabic, Arab World, Armenian, Armenia, Awadhi, India, Azerbaijani, Azerbaijan, Bashkir, Russia, Basque, Spain, Belarusian, Belarus, Bengali, Bangladesh, Bhojpuri, India, Bosnian, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazilian Portuguese, Brazil, Bulgarian, Bulgaria, Cantonese (Yue), China, Catalan, Spain, Chhattisgarhi, India, Chinese, China, Croatian, Croatia, Czech, Czech Republic, Danish, Denmark, Dogri, India, Dutch, Netherlands, English, United Kingdom, Estonian, Estonia, Faroese, Faroe Islands, Finnish, Finland, French, France, Galician, Spain, Georgian, Georgia, German, Germany, Greek, Greece, Gujarati, India, Haryanvi, India, Hindi, India, Hungarian, Hungary, Indonesian, Indonesia, Irish, Ireland, Italian, Italy, Japanese, Japan, Javanese, Indonesia, Kannada, India, Kashmiri, India, Kazakh, Kazakhstan, Konkani, India, Korean, South Korea, Kyrgyz, Kyrgyzstan, Latvian, Latvia, Lithuanian, Lithuania, Macedonian, North Macedonia, Maithili, India, Malay, Malaysia, Maltese, Malta, Mandarin, China, Mandarin Chinese, China, Marathi, India, Marwari, India, Min Nan, China, Moldovan, Moldova, Mongolian, Mongolia, Montenegrin, Montenegro, Nepali, Nepal, Norwegian, Norway, Oriya, India, Pashto, Afghanistan, Persian (Farsi), Iran, Polish, Poland, Portuguese, Portugal, Punjabi, India, Rajasthani, India, Romanian, Romania, Russian, Russia, Sanskrit, India, Santali, India, Serbian, Serbia, Sindhi, Pakistan, Sinhala, Sri Lanka, Slovak, Slovakia, Slovene, Slovenia, Slovenian, Slovenia, Ukrainian, Ukraine, Urdu, Pakistan, Uzbek, Uzbekistan, Vietnamese, Vietnam, Welsh, Wales, Wu, China

Like millions of others every day, get 698 Expat for iOS to communicate effortlessly across language barriers - wherever you are.

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